Find some moorings near our port
Iles Sanguinaires anchorage
On March 22, 2017, the Grand Site des Iles Sanguinaires et de la pointe de la Parata was awarded the “Grand Site de France” label.
This label, awarded for 6 years by the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, rewards the commitment of local players to the preservation and sustainable management of the landscape heritage formed by the Pointe de la Parata and the Iles Sanguinaires.
Location details: 41°52’45.8 “N 8°35’57.5 “E
Anchorage Capo Di Feno
Capo di Feno is a beach near the Gulf of Ajaccio.
There are two beaches separated by a field: the “Grand Capo” is a larger, more touristy beach, and the “Sevani” beach, otherwise known as the “Petit Capo”, is smaller but very pleasant and little known… In this area, there can be a lot of waves, which is why you need to pay close attention to the flag.
You can get there by car, or from the Grand Site de la Parata parking lot along the Chemin des douaniers footpath.
Allow 2h30 for the round trip.
Location details: 41°55’35.6 “N 8°37’13.9 “E
Cocoa handle
Located at the southern tip of the Golde d’Ajaccio, at the foot of the Capo di Muro tower, Anse de Cacalu or “Cacao” as the locals call it, offers one of the most beautiful anchorages on the Île de Beauté.
Here you’ll find hills with dense vegetation and small pebble beaches.
The shallow waters allow you to get close to the shore at anchor.
We also recommend that you moor your dinghy on the rocks to the west of the Anse and climb the path leading up to the Tower for a 360-degree panorama.
It’s a perfect destination for sailing or yachting to enjoy the crystal-clear waters and sunbathing.
Location details: 41°44’53.6 “N 8°41’02.8 “E
La Castagna
La Castagna beach in Coti-Chiavari is located near the Tour de la Castagna to the west of Portigliolo.
This small sandy cove is totally unknown and access is rather difficult (small country road in the middle of the forest).
It’s a small cove, but you may find yourself alone.
There are numerous rocks at both ends of the cove.
The environment is pleasant, and you get the impression of being at the end of the world.
Because of the many rocks, swimming can be dangerous in windy and rough seas (so be careful).
Location details: 41°48’01.4 “N 8°43’25.6 “E
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The Tino-Rossi port is a member of the Les Ports Corses network.
The 1st port network on the island of Corsica, working to boost local economic activities and protect Corsica's environmental heritage.